5. Bilingual resources - comparable corpora
At this point we have found a solution to our translation problem, but we may still be wondering about affetto da and why it is not a good choice in our text.
One of the problems with corpora is that sometimes they are too small to contain all the evidence we need. One good point about them, however, is that there are many corpora available. For instance, the evidence provided in the files linked below was obtained from general corpora of Italian and English assembled at the University of Leeds (UK).
One of the problems with corpora is that sometimes they are too small to contain all the evidence we need. One good point about them, however, is that there are many corpora available. For instance, the evidence provided in the files linked below was obtained from general corpora of Italian and English assembled at the University of Leeds (UK).

Why, in your opinion, are there so few occurrences of stato affetto da? Consider that there are more than 100 occurrences of affetto da in this corpus.

Based on our reflection above on stato affetto da, how would you interpret the frequent use of stato colpito da in this web corpus?