Restricting the search

To restrict our search to concordance lines where patient is used as an adjective, we use the following syntax:
[lemma= "patient" & pos= "JJ"][lemma= "with"]
Translating this into everyday English, this means that you are searching for all occurrences of the lemma patient only when it is an adjective (JJ is the POS tag used for adjectives in this corpus), followed by all forms of the lemma with (this is just one form really...).
This is the CQP syntax, a very powerful but rather complex language for expressing constraints on queries. Other programmes may use a different syntax, but they all normally make use of regular expression-like conventions.
The concordance below shows a selection of lines retrieved from the BNC using this query.

Lemma patient as an adjective followed by lemma with in the BNC, selected, sorted by the right
As you can see, this pattern successfully restricts the set of concordance lines down to the desired meaning.